Bernard Betts
With a career spanning since 1987, Bernard has held various positions within the realm of operations. His expertise lies in collaborating with individuals across the globe, having worked in the USA, Canada, Mexico, UK, Germany, China, and Singapore.
In his free time, Bernard enjoys indulging in his love for sports, particularly football and hockey. He also finds solace in the pages of books, being a voracious reader.
Bernard firmly believes in fostering engagement among all Major employees to contribute to the company’s success and growth. He envisions Major becoming one of the top places to work, where each member feels they have made a significant difference. Looking ahead five years from now, Bernard hopes every employee will reflect on their journey and feel proud of the special legacy they’ve collectively built.
Why MAJOR? I was truly impressed by Major’s culture and brand recognition during my interview with Niklas. The product had a reputation for its quality, and the motivated people seemed poised to take the company to the next level. I wanted to be part of its journey.